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The Rules are Simple.

1) Respect everyone, especially the staff members working in the Lounge.

2) No drama. If you've got an issue in real life, keep it there. If you've got an issue with another player, take it to PM.

3) This isn't a smut room, so no smut oriented profiles, and no NSFW pictures that are out in the open (meaning links are fine). No smut in the room! Take that to PMs too.

4) The only combat that should happen here is in the Arena. Myself or a moderator will be in charge of making sure combat is fair. You all can keep to yourselves for the most part, but issues are solved by staff, NOT you.

5) All characters are welcome, so long as they don't break the smut rule. That means canons, OCs, anime characters, real life ones, cartoons, book characters, anything. So be respectful of that.

6) Have fun!

Staff Rules

You are not above the rules stated beforehand. You are to be calm when dealing with issues, and you will be just. You will be fair. If you don't abide by your position, you will recieve no more than three warnings. Then you're gone, kapish?



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